Muddy Waters, Folk Singer – Up close and personal with Waters and Buddy Guy, who the record didn't want for the date because they thought he could only play electric, and they were looking for a Dylan sound. Ray Lamontagne, God Willin' & the Creek Don't Rise – Close mic'd Americana, lap steel guitar, prairie nostalgia. If your sub doesn't go to 20hz you're missing out.īeck, Sea Change – Incredibly realistic and transparent, immaculately recorded.įrank Ocean, Channel Orange – Crisp, electronic R&B, in particular Super Rich Kids, another test of your woofers.
Limit to Your Love will tell you how low your woofers can go.
He sounds very much in the room, with some scintillating electronica sounds that I can only describe as remnant digital circuit artifacts.
James Blake, James Blake – moody British dubstep with a meticulously architected soundstage.